



娄振宁,教授,博士生导师。为本科生讲授分析化学及分析化学实验,为研究生讲授现代仪器分析应用和稀有金属分离与纯化,2门省一流课程负责人,主持省级教改项目1项,获省教学成果一等奖1项。一直从事稀散、稀土金属分离分析领域的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,辽宁省教育厅自然科学面上项目1项。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,参与辽宁省高等学校科学研究一般项目1项,参与中国科学院稀土资源利用国家重点实验室开放课题基金项目1项。中国有色金属学会和中国感光学会生物基功能大分子材料与技术会员。近五年在Chem. Eng. J.,J Membrane Sci.,J. Hazard. Mater.,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.,Bioresource Technol.等期刊发表学术论文30余篇。申请国家发明专利15项,其中授权9项,专利成果转化1项,获辽宁省自然科学学术论文二等奖3项,三等奖1项,沈阳市自然科学学术论文二等奖1项,三等奖1项。









1. 稀贵金属分离与纯化

2. 靶向荧光成像剂制备

3. 矿产资源综合利用



(1) Zhenning Lou *, Tingting Li, Xinze Tao, Xinyu Zhou, Wenyan Zhao, Junshuo Cui, Xiaogeng Feng, Haibiao Yu, Yuejiao Wang, Weijun Shan, Ying Xiong. A novel blending nanofibrous membrane of Poly(ionic liquid) for efficient and fast adsorption of ReO4-Journal of Membrane Science, 2024, 692, 122285-122296.

(2) Mengnan Huang , Zhenning Lou *, Wenyan Zhao , Anping Lu , Xiaomai Hao , Yuejiao Wang , Xiaogeng Feng , Weijun Shan , Ying Xiong. Immersion grinding and in-situ polymerization synthesis of poly(ionic liquid)s incorporation into MOF composites as radioactive TcO4- scavenger. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422, 126871-126883.

(3) Mengnan Huang, Lixin Kan, Wenyan Zhao, Yuejiao Wang, Ying Xiong, Weijun Shan, Zhenning Lou *. Highly efficient and selective capture of TcO4 - or ReO4 - by imidazolium-based ionic liquid polymers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421, 127763-127776.

(4) Zhenning Lou*, Xin Xiao, Mengnan Huang, Yuejiao Wang, Zhiqiang Xing, and Ying Xiong. Acrylic Acid-Functionalized Metal−Organic Frameworks for Sc(III)Selective Adsorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 11772-11781.

(5) Zhenning Lou, Shanshan Xing, Xin Xiao, Weijun Shan, Ying Xiong*, Yu Fan. Selective adsorption of Re(VII) by chitosan modified with imidazolium based ionic liquid, Hydrometallurgy, 2018, 179, 141-148.

(6) Ying Xiong*, Li Wan, Jing Xuan, Yongwei Wang, Zhiqing Xing, Weijun Shan, Zhenning Lou*. Selective recovery of Ag(I) coordination anion from simulate nickelelectrolyte using corn stalk based adsorbent modified byammonia–thiosemicarbazide, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2016, 301, 277-285.

(7) Zhenning Lou, Xurui Cui, Shuqin Zhang, Xiaodong Feng, Weijun Shan, Ying Xiong*. Extraction of Re(VII) from hydrochloric acid medium by N263/TBP/n-heptane/NaClmicroemulsion, Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 165, 329-335.

(8) Zhenning Lou, Chunfang Guo, Xiaodong Feng, Shuqin Zhang, Zhiqiang Xing, Weijun Shan, Ying Xiong*. Selective extraction and separation of Re(VII) from Mo(VI) by TritonX-100/N235/iso-amyl alcohol/n-heptane/NaCl microemulsion system, Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 157, 199-206.

(9) Zhenning Lou, Jing Wang, Xudong Jin, Li Wan, Yue Wang, Hui Chen, Weijun Shan, Ying Xiong*. Brown algae based new sorption material for fractional recoveryof molybdenum and rhenium from wastewater, Chemical Engineering Journal,2015, 273, 231-239.

(10) Zhenning Lou, Li Wan, Chunfang Guo, Shuqin Zhang, Weijun Shan, and Ying Xiong*. Quasi-complete Separation Re(VII) from Mo(VI) onto Magnetic Modified Cross-Linked Chitosan Crab Shells Gel by Using Kinetics Methods, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2015, 54, 1333-1341.


